08 April 2011

Casting on the Dale of Norway Lake Louise Sweater

Well, it took a while. The yarn was very uncooperative for the cast-on: it insisted on un-twisting just 20 stitches in. I threw it. I had a beer. I undid it. I rewound a skein. I looked at it from the corner of my eye. I had another beer. I posted for help on Ravelry because THIS IS A BIG CAST ON!

The sweater is bottom up, and starts with just under an inch of ribbing. So I want it to look neat.

Here's what it is supposed to look like, finished:

Finally, I got them all on this morning at my Friday knitting group.

I'm not sure if it will take, I'm not the biggest fan of 1x1 ribbing. I might pull it all out and start again after a few rows in, and re-cast on using a tubular with waste yarn, and twisted rib instead of plain k1p1. But I am anxious to get going, so I do hope the first successful cast on is the last successful cast on ;)

378 stitches per row, on 47" circs. 

Springtime for Katja

I recently finished a sweater barely in time for my toddler's 2 year old birthday. I used the Springtime in Hollis pattern, which I think is perfect for the fickle spring weather around here. Good for evenings and slightly chilly days.

The knitting itself went quickly.

But when it comes to finishing, like button bands and i-cords... (I still haven't finished the i-cord!!! or sewn the buttons on!!) I tend to move on to something else, for some reason.

Anyway, here she is wearing it, sans buttons and i-cord.
And shoving a crayon up her nose.

The Eternally In-Progress Sock

I started the Monkey sockswith the best intentions. The plan was something vaguely realistic like a sock per week.


I sidetracked myself with a Hollis sweater for Katja. And lots of ideas of other things. And I tried knitting another LTKA square with the evil orange acryilic that just won't knit up into anything, because it's evil. And orange.

The sock yarn (knitpicks stroll multi in hearth) are also oran
ge-ish, but a much nicer orange. Plus, it is not acrylic.

But I do wish I was making more progress. I love the way the pattern is coming out, but I am not necessarily enjoying the knitting of the pattern...

So far, I have turned the heel, and done a few decreases to get to the foot. I like straight knitting, so I'm not too sure if I will actually be doing a lot of pairs of fancy socks...